Books and resources

On this page you will find books and resources to help you and your church engage with world mission.

For a quick overview of some key mission concepts, take a look at our Short Guide to Cross-cultural Mission, or for suggestions of how to be better prepared, see our series here.

For supporters:

A significant proportion of missionaries are single women. Singleness can present many challenges on the mission field, but it can also present unique ministry opportunities. Clothed with Strength examines the lives of fourteen of these inspirational women who have served in the Arab world, both historically and in the present. We would recommend it to anyone wanting to be encouraged and challenged by stories of how God is at work in the region, but particularly to anyone supporting a single missionary or considering becoming one. Click here to order a copy.

For churches:

To think carefully about sending and supporting missionaries, Andy Johnson’s Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global is a great place to start. We were impressed by how it concisely packed biblical principles of mission, practical guidance and genuinely convicting challenges into such a small book.

Take a look also at the Friendship First course, available from Kitab, which is a wonderful starting point in encouraging churches to reach out to Muslims.

For short-termers:

A Beginner’s Guide to Crossing Cultures is a great place to start for anyone looking to get involved in mission. It’s a wonderfully practical guide to learning about other cultures and building effective cross-cultural friendships.

If you’re considering short-term mission with a focus on alleviating poverty, we’d recommend When Helping Hurts. It’s a deeply challenging look at the issues surrounding poverty and ways in which we we should — and should not — help.

For evangelists:

Two great books for those considering ministry to Muslims are How Shall They Hear? and the slightly shorter Engaging with MuslimsBoth give the basics of Islamic belief and practice, with practical advice on how to reach out to them with love and grace. How Shall They Hear? also has a very useful section which gives answers to some common questions from Muslims. For a taste of these, see a series of articles by Hicham here.

We’ve previously partnered with BibleMesh to provide mentorship to the Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus course, which is an excellent introduction to Islam and apologetics. For more study, the Encountering the World of Islam course and textbook are well worth a look.

For cross-cultural workers:

Working cross-culturally as a family can be a challenge, but Marion Knell’s Families on the Move is here to help. This light-hearted book is full of useful advice and guidance for those living with Third Culture Kids. A more general look at working cross-culturally is Duane Elmer’s Cross-Cultural Servanthood. Highly practical, this book unpacks key concepts of bridging cultural barriers, helping us to get our attitudes right. Finally, if you’re looking at raising support, Myles Wilson’s Funding the Family Business is just what you need.

For specialists:

If you’d like to grapple at a deeper level with the issues surrounding mission in an Islamic context, you might be interested in Sam Schlorff’s Missiological Models in Ministry to Muslims. This useful book examines different models of contextualisation, including both historical and contemporary approaches.

All Nations Christian College offers a range of courses on missional topics, including online study.

For those supporting refugees, or thinking about beginning a ministry in this area, have a look at their online Refugee Worker Training.

More resources

BOOK SALE: Clothed with Strength

A significant proportion of missionaries are single women. Singleness can present many challenges on the mission field, but it can also present unique ministry opportunities. This is particularly the case in the Arab world, where there are strong expectations around gender roles and where social status is often tied up in marital status and having...

BOOK REVIEW: A Concise Guide to the Quran

A Concise Guide to the Quran – Ayman S. Ibrahim ‘The traditional Muslim claims about the Quran oppose the available evidence.’ A Concise Guide to the Quran is an introduction to the holy book of Islam from a Christian, critical perspective. Though designed for beginners, it would be a useful guide to anyone who wants...

BOOK REVIEW: Knowing God to Make Him Known

In this brilliant little book, Ed Scheuerman has provided a great resource for anyone considering overseas cross-cultural mission. It is a careful blend of theological reflection, spiritual guidance and practical advice, grounded in experience of serving in mission as a former field leader with Pioneers. Theology in action ‘A proper understanding of God is foundational...

BOOK REVIEW: Sharing the Gospel with a Muslim Neighbour

'there is no "magic formula" to leading a Muslim friend to Christ.' Drawing on his own experience of ministry in Bangladesh and London, Robert Scott has given us an accessible and useful guide to evangelism. Sharing the Gospel with a Muslim Neighbour can be read in one or two sittings and is practical, sensitive, and insightful....


Both Muslims and Christians believe there is no God but one, but what is He really like? What are the differences between Islam and Christianity? Can we be confident that Christianity or Islam is true? Is the truth worth dying for? These questions were important ones to answer for Nabeel Qureshi as he questioned his...

BOOK REVIEW: A Beginner’s Guide to Crossing Cultures

‘Everyone has a culture but recognising the impact of culture on relationships is not always so easy.’ The global village has arrived. How can we build friendships with our new global neighbours? In this practical book, cultural expert Patty Lane helps us to see the effect of culture as we seek to build bridges with...

BOOK REVIEW: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

'By looking over my shoulder, you will be privy to the offensiveness of Christianity to Muslim eyes, begin struggling with the historical facts of the gospel, and feel the ground that shook beneath me as I slowly learned the hidden truths about Islam.' Nabeel Qureshi was a devout Muslim whose life was changed completely when...

BOOK REVIEW: Simply Generous

Simply Generous, by Stewardship, is a collection of stories of lives shaped by radical generosity, to encourage readers to live a lifestyle of generosity themselves. Stewardship is a charity that inspires and facilitates Christian giving throughout the world. The introduction of Simply Generous states: 'Generosity is something that can - and should - be taught. Not...

BOOK REVIEW: Enjoy Your Prayer Life

How do you feel about your prayer life? Michael Reeve's book, Enjoy Your Prayer Life, starts with the assumption that most of us, if we're honest, struggle in our prayer lives at times. It can be hard to find the time to sit down and pray, and there are so many distractions. Reeves sees this difficulty as...

BOOK REVIEW – Dear Abdullah

‘This book is for the Abdullahs, the men and women who share our communities, our lectures and halls of residence, our offices and blocks of flats. These are the people of peace whom Jesus the Messiah told his disciples to look for… These are people who are genuinely interested in understanding who the Christ of...

BOOK REVIEW – Transitions Across Cultures

'One of the unfortunate things I have observed... is how few people are well prepared for cross-cultural transitions.' Going through a time of change can be extremely challenging. Change can be emotionally taxing, physically demanding, and mentally draining, and there are few more significant changes than moving overseas. In Transitions Across Cultures, Stephen W. Jones gives us...

BOOK REVIEW – Women Who Risk

By Sarah* Stories of real people Last year I had the privilege of becoming friends with and discipling a believer from a Muslim background from the Gulf. Hearing the story of her life before Christ was in many ways heart breaking, but witnessing the transformation Christ has made in her, and is continuing to make,...

BOOK REVIEW – Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God

Accessible and informative In her book, Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God, Noël Piper beautifully describes how five women faithfully served God and followed the calling He placed on their lives. The five stories she highlighted were those of: Sarah Edwards, devoted wife of theologian Jonathan Edwards, Lilias Trotter, pioneering missionary to the Arab world,...

BOOK REVIEW – Understanding Arabs: A Contemporary Guide to Arab Society

In Understanding Arabs, Dr Margaret Nydell gives us an introduction to the culture, people and countries of the Arab world. Although it has its flaws, this book could prove to be invaluable to someone looking to minister in this region, or even just to understand its people better. Laying out the foundations The author begins...

BOOK REVIEW – The Mission of God’s people

If you’re reading this you probably believe that we, as God’s people, have been given a mission. You are likely aware of the familiar command of Jesus in Matthew 28 to make disciples of all nations. But have you ever stepped back to look at the big picture of the Bible, to see all that...

BOOK REVIEW – Third Culture Kids: A Gift to Care For

In this helpful book, Ulrika Ernvik uses her experiences as a TCK* and mother of TCKs, as well as her professional expertise as a psychotherapist to bring together thoughtful and practical advice surrounding the complexities of life as a Third Culture Kid. Where other books seem to instil a sense of fear of all that...

BOOK REVIEW – Resilience in Life and Faith

Tony Horsfall and Debbie Hawker have written this helpful guide to maintaining resilience in life and faith particularly in relation to cross-cultural ministry. Tony Horsfall is a freelance writer and retreat leader based in Yorkshire while Debbie Hawker is a clinical psychologist and mission partner who supports and debriefs cross-cultural workers. The authors quote Carr’s...

BOOK REVIEW – Raising Kids with a Heart for Mission

This short and simple book by Daniel Akin is easy-to-read and full of inspiration. It begins by reminding us that Jesus’ final words to his disciples were the Great Commission – words intended to impact them and us today. Akin also reminds us of the honour and responsibility parents have as they raise children for...

BOOK REVIEW – The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures

In The 3D Gospel, Jayson Georges gives a concise introduction to how the Gospel can be presented in a culturally compelling way across the world. Is it always the best approach to talk in terms of our personal guilt, our individual forgiveness and God’s justice? Or can we see other elements in Scripture which may...

BOOK REVIEW – Doing Mission in the Arab World

On the ground experience Ministering in a cross-cultural context comes with a range of complexities and challenges. In Doing Mission in the Arab World, the first from Interserve’s Grassroots Mission Publications, we read the insights of mission practitioners into a range of areas. These are presented in 11 short articles, each addressing a different facet...

BOOK REVIEW – Storytelling: Sharing the Gospel With Passion and Power

Not just for children! Storytelling is one of the most ancient ways of communicating a message and bringing people together. Even now in our tech-driven society, we love to see how children are enthralled by a good story. But have you ever considered that telling stories could be a powerful way to share gospel truths,...

BOOK REVIEW – Expectations and Burnout

Women surviving the great commission ‘Everyone has a mental image of what a missionary should be.’ Are they adventurous? Are they studious? Sociable? Gifted at languages? Good at stewarding their money? We may have moved on from the explorers in the African bush with high-knee socks but, perhaps without realising, we have a picture of...

BOOK REVIEW – Lifting the Veil

The world of Muslim women Phil and Julie Parshall understand the joys, heartaches, securities, and dangers facing Muslim women today, having lived alongside them for more than four decades. Their book challenges us to try and understand the reasoning behind a worldview and perspective that is very different to us as Westerners and as Christians,...

BOOK REVIEW – Why God Calls Us to Dangerous Places

A serious question A war-zone. A closed country. A rural part of North Africa with limited medical access. Have you ever asked yourself the question ‘Why does God call us to these dangerous places?’. Maybe you’ve asked this on behalf of someone you know who has parted with you to follow God’s call. Or maybe...

BOOK REVIEW – Funding the Family Business

A pressing need ‘The request that Jesus gave almost 2000 years ago for people to pray God would send more people into his harvest is as valid today as it was back then. Yet one of the main factors stopping people from responding to that challenge today is the fear of raising support.’ Funding the...

BOOK REVIEW – Missiological Models in Ministry to Muslims

A study from experience Sam Schlorff served as AWM missiologist from 1978 to 1995. His book, Missiological Models in Ministry to Muslims is a valuable addition to the debate surrounding models of contextualisation and how the Qur’an may be used in evangelism to Muslims. Schlorff considers the work to be: ‘a historical and theological study...

BOOK REVIEW – Contagious disciple-making

An explosion of discipleship ‘God, I can’t plant churches anymore. I didn’t sign on to love people, train people, and get them killed.’ pxi God answered David Watson’s prayer with a Church Planting Movement that saw 80,000 churches planted among a people group in Asia. In this challenging book, David and his son, Paul, outline...

BOOK REVIEW – How shall they hear?

A personal experience The author, E.M. Hicham, comes from a Muslim background and was transformed by the message of Jesus while studying in France. His book is rich with valuable insights into how to share the good news in meaningful ways with Muslims. He speaks from his experience of spending time each week in personal...

BOOK REVIEW – Missions: How the local church goes global

A useful resource This short book from Andy Johnson is a wonderful resource for churches thinking about their role in God’s mission. It is both deeply biblical and highly practical, making it ideal for church leaders, or for anyone interested in how they can send, support and envision those in their churches more effectively. ‘If...

BOOK REVIEW: Engaging with Muslims

Accessible and Informative John Klaassen’s short read is a great introduction for anyone trying to learn more about their Muslim neighbour. Drawing from nearly twenty years' of experience of living and serving in North Africa, Klaassen outlines key areas for understanding Islamic beliefs, values and practical advice for engagement. His purpose is to equip the...

BOOK REVIEW: Families on the move

Personal and practical Families on the move provides a quick-reference survival guide in raising children overseas and ‘loving it!’ according to the author. Marion Knell begins by introducing the topic of Third Culture Kids (TCKs) – children who grow up in a different culture than their parents’ or their passport’s culture. She makes good use...

BOOK REVIEW: Compassion and the mission of God

What is your reference point? How essential is social justice and community transformation in your Christian faith? Do you see it as a distraction from the task of sharing the gospel or a key part of the Bible’s grand storyline? In a nutshell: This book demonstrates the biblical and historical basis for seeing mission as both...

BOOK REVIEW: Cross-cultural servanthood

How to serve? How do you serve in a new culture without creating confusion and offence? The author explores key concepts to help you identify miscommunication, spot values behind behaviour and ultimately bridge cultural barriers. This book is a healthy check and balance for anyone embarking on an ambitious adventure to change the world. The Bible doesn’t...

BOOK REVIEW: When Helping Hurts

What’s the difference between relief, rehabilitation and development? When is one approach more appropriate than another? This book is an ideal introduction for any student, church leader or mission rep exploring the topic of poverty alleviation and transformational development. First things first The opening chapters lay a biblical foundation on what poverty is and why…

BOOK REVIEW: Jesus says go

“Our commitment is to Christ, not our own fulfilment”. Robin Wells (p46) This book is a fresh challenge for every Christian to consider their place in global mission. It unpacks why today’s generation should obey Christ’s final commands, and what it takes to go and make disciples overseas. A call to mission Question: So whom…

BOOK REVIEW: Miraculous movements

This inspiring read will challenge your prayer life and raise your faith in what God can do in this generation. Sourced from extensive travel and research, and packed with first-hand testimonies, Miraculous Movements describes how some of the most hostile peoples groups are turning to Christ – in thousands. Expecting miracles ‘Prepare to spend a long…

BOOK REVIEW: Jesus driven ministry

This excellent book focuses on why Jesus is our role model for ministry. It is biblical, authentic, refreshing and inspiring. Fernando, draws principles from the life of Christ in the gospels and applies these with insight to a variety of ministry situations. Experienced and honest Fernando speaks from more than twenty-five years of experience as…