BOOK REVIEW: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

‘By looking over my shoulder, you will be privy to the offensiveness of Christianity to Muslim eyes, begin struggling with the historical facts of the gospel, and feel the ground that shook beneath me as I slowly learned the hidden truths about Islam.’

Nabeel Qureshi was a devout Muslim whose life was changed completely when he encountered Christ. In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel lets us into his journey: from growing up in a devout Muslim home, to questioning everything he had been brought up to believe, and eventually putting his faith in Christ.

Shaky Foundations

As Nabeel walks his readers through his story of coming to Christ, he describes how his foundations shake, crumble and ultimately collapse. Nabeel was utterly committed to his Muslim faith, growing up in a loving Pakistani family who taught him to pray each day, attend the mosque on Fridays, and recite the Qur’an despite living in the midst of Western culture in the US. Nabeel highlights how proud he was that he had built his foundations on the claims of Islam.

His university days were a time of questioning for Nabeel. Through his friendship with David, a Christian classmate, he began to investigate what is true: Christianity or Islam. By investigating the historical case for Jesus’ death, His deity, and His resurrection – points of contention for Muslims – Nabeel came to find the truth. He shares his findings about the Muslim and Christian arguments around the central themes of Christianity with the reader.

Building a New Foundation

Qureshi was incredibly methodical as he weighed up the claims of Christianity and Islam in his pursuit for truth. His goal was to prove that Islam was true and that Christianity was false. In this journey, he brings the reader along, teaching us about both Islam and Christianity.

As Nabeel questioned the central tenets of Christianity, his friend David supported him by pointing him in the direction of helpful resources, inviting him to discussion groups and being his friend. Nabeel and David’s closeness is an important reminder of the need for evangelism to be shared within the love and care of genuine friendship. If they hadn’t been such good friends, their passionate debates about the truth would have pushed them away from each other, potentially taking away the main Christian presence in Nabeel’s life.

Finding Jesus

Nabeel’s determination to find the truth leads him to not only find evidence for the claims made in the Bible but also evidence against the claims of Qur’an. Once his head had decided that the claims made by the Bible held more truth than those of the Qur’an, all he needed was for his heart to catch up. And this came through the work of the Holy Spirit who prompted him through dreams and visions, as He does with many Muslims.

In this compelling story of one person’s journey of faith, Nabeel guides the reader in how to answer the most commonly asked questions from Muslims regarding Christianity, complete with expert contributions to back up each of his main points. He outlines why Christian claims seem so preposterous to Muslims and how they can begin to understand things from a Christian’s point of view. A great read to help you as you share your faith with Muslims.

If you would like to purchase a copy of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus to read the story in full, you can get a discounted copy by visiting our 10ofthose partner page.

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