BLOG: Navigating cross-cultural parenting

This article is part of our series, ‘Letters to the Next Generation’, where one of our mission workers explores different aspects of ministering cross-culturally.

By Christina*, a long-term worker

Bringing up our family overseas was fun, challenging, and a walk of faith. We moved when our children were aged seven, nine, and ten, and for the next nine years brought them up in an Arab and international environment. While we knew that we were called to serve overseas, over time we began to realise that we weren’t abroad just to reach out to host nation with the good news of the gospel, but we were also called to bring up our children in a different culture.

Raised in a global village

We found parenting outside our home culture both liberating and at times confusing. Gone was the need to fit in with the expected norms. However, this social pressure was replaced by people sharing their best parenting strategies from across the globe! We had to consciously choose what was important for our family and intentionally share our personal values with our children.

One of the choices that we made was being part of an international expatriate church. Worshipping alongside our brothers and sisters from all over the world was like a picture of heaven on earth. However, it presented some unexpected challenges to our parenting. Our children found themselves among many peers with a wide range of traditions and varied theologies. We found that it was very important to set time aside as a family to discuss these new ideas and approaches, while explaining and living out our own convictions as parents.

A unique childhood experience

Alongside their culturally mixed church and school environment, our children also learned how to live as Christians in an Arab and Islamic culture. This included experiencing the warmth and welcome of Arab hospitality from our local friends. In the Arabian Peninsula, they’ve been able to enjoy modern luxuries like visiting shopping malls and cinemas, alongside more basic pleasures like camping in the desert.

Worshipping alongside our brothers and sisters from all over the world was like a picture of heaven on earth. However, it presented some unexpected challenges to our parenting.

The wealth of different friends that our children have made from all over the world has also been one of the greatest blessings of their cross-cultural upbringing. Our prayer is that God will use this experience in each of their lives to be a blessing to others.

Is God calling your family to serve Him abroad?

As parents we will naturally have many questions about how responding to God’s call will impact our children. However, we can have confidence to take this step of faith knowing that all our anxieties about our children’s wellbeing can be entrusted to our God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

Interested in exploring your next step in cross-cultural mission? Contact Dan, one of our mobilisers to explore the best options for you.

*Name changed to protect identities.

This article was originally shared in our quarterly magazine Link in February 2019.

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