ASK 2020: How Elijah encourages me to pray

By Chris B, Church Development Co-ordinator

The Bible highlights a character in the book of James which helps focus my mind on the potential power of prayer. Elijah was an Old Testament prophet who boldly challenged the nation to rededicate herself to the One True God. James 5:17 tells us: ‘Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.’

  1. Elijah was a giant of the faith; I am not. But in many ways, he was just like me – we have the same human nature. His prayers were powerful and effective, so mine can be too. That’s encouraging.
  2. Elijah took prayer seriously. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain; he prayed expecting that it would make a tangible difference. By God’s grace, my prayers can make a difference too.
  3. Elijah prayed specifically. Throughout Scripture, we read that God responds to specific prayers from His people. So I’ve learnt to be more specific in my prayers of intercession.

Let’s all be like Elijah and pray boldly for God to move in power. Together, we can pray that God not only brings one nation, but many nations across the Middle East back to Himself.

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