ADVENT DEVOTIONAL: The Hope of the World

‘In his name the nations will put their hope.’ Matthew 12:21 (NIV)

Our ultimate hope is in fellowship with Christ Himself.

In a time of fear and increased anxiety, as we live in such a broken world, we’re continually searching for security and comfort. At this time of year, Christmas adverts pull on our heartstrings and try to instil in us a hope that their new product will solve all our problems and bring us the comfort and security we crave.

But the hope of Christmas is that Immanuel has come – God is with us. God, rich in His mercy, has saved us. The same God who sent Jesus in the fullness of time is still in control. And we have hope and security that in Him we are saved and one day He will return. Our hope extends beyond our earthly lives; one day we will be with our Father with no more tears and no more suffering.

People of the Arab world are desperately seeking this hope for themselves. One of our mission workers shared how Amal* is seeking the hope that only Christ can provide. Amal feels that his situation is hopeless, that he is bad, and that he can’t get better. In studying the Bible together, he is starting to discover that hope doesn’t lie in human effort but only in putting his trust in Jesus.

This Christmas, as we remember the hope we have found in Christ, please pray for people of the Arab world to find this hope for themselves.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

Read the first devotional in this series here. 

See how you can support mission in the Arab world this Christmas here.

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