The Night of Power

What is the Night of Power?

Ramadan is 30 days of fasting from sunrise to sunset. About the 27th day (this year the 19th May) , Muslims remember the Night of Power — Laylat al-Qadr — when many believe Muhammad received his first revelation. The Qu’ran describes this night as “better than a thousand months” and many believe angels descend to help answer prayers. They believe their prayers have extra value and more chance of being answered and will spend the entire night praying and seeking blessing from God.

Over the years, this has been a night when Muslims, who are very open to receiving revelation from God, have had visions or dreams concerning Christ. Whilst these do not usually lead to instant acceptance and understanding of the Gospel, it often causes them to question or directs them to someone who shares the Gospel with them.

A Prayer...

Father God, The Night of Power is approaching, the night which is so important for so many Muslims, when their hearts and minds are seeking revelation from God.  We ask that you will reveal Jesus to them through dreams or visions.  Please soften their hearts and help them to receive from you.  We pray that they will find Christians who will be able to answer their questions and share with them the good news of salvation.  We pray that this Night of Power may be a step towards them finding the true freedom, joy and forgiveness that can be found in Jesus. We ask this in the name of Jesus.


If you would like to join with many other Christians in praying for Musims during this night, you may like to use the our prayer material. Click on the link to download your leader’s guide, adapted from 30 Days of Prayer for an online group. Feel free to adapt the material to fit your circumstances, group size and internet access.