BLOG: Why am I so stirred to pray?

By Pioneers Middle East Regional Leader

ASK 2019 is a global prayer initiative for the Middle East. The leader who launched it shares what sparked the vision in his heart. 

Dear friends…

Thank you for your willingness to pray and to mobilise prayer for the Middle East region.

The time has come for us to issue the call to prayer. Just as the man of Macedonia stood and begged Paul, ‘Come over… and help us’ (Acts 16:9), we want to call on God’s people to stand with us in praying for the Middle East.

Inspired by a worker’s example

Earlier this year, I was deeply inspired by the account of two men who came before the Lord in desperation. They longed to see more spiritual fruit in their ministry, so they made a commitment to pray regularly and to be accountable to each other.

The Lord met them and they saw amazing blessings in their own lives as well as in their service for Christ.

Are you desperate enough?

I will never forget the words shared by this church leader from a Muslim background.

‘Prayer is first desperate when there is no fruit, and desperate again when there is much fruit and the challenges are not in the realm of humans to resolve.’

It has kept challenging me to think, ‘are we desperate enough to see breakthrough?’

Will you join us?

From the 4th – 5th October, we will be stepping out in faith to ask the Lord of the Harvest for a breakthrough across the Middle East.

Let us claim the promise of Psalm 2:8, which says, ‘Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.’



*Name has been changed for security reasons.

How can I get involved?

‘The man [or woman]
who mobilises the Christian church to pray
will make the greatest contribution to world evangelisation in history.’ 

Andrew Murray

We’ve prepared some materials to help you pray as a group or in your personal prayer time. Go to the ASK 2019 page to find out more.

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